• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I did consider that myself. We do work on a case by case basis, and I can agree that a first time offense should be dealt with as has been done thus far. Let us take a moment to discuss it, then I will update with what we decided.

Announcement regarding some issues that have popped up recently.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know about a little change we are making in how we mod. As you may or may not know, the mod tools are sparse, for the time being, at least. So we only have a few options. That's why we will be rolling out a new thing from this point forward. Call it a 3 strikes rule if you like. This is meant to be an inclusive and friendly community. We work hard to keep it that way. There appears to be an uptick in issues with breaking Rule 5. In case you are unfamiliar, that's the be respectful rule. In light of this, we have chosen to implement a system where the first offense of the rules (any rules) will be given a chance to reword or remove the offense. The next offense receives a 3 day ban. The third offense (again, any rules) receives a week ban. The last offense is a permanent ban. Your community is what you make it. If you aren't safe here, we aren't doing our jobs as mods and as members of the community. We all need to work together to keep this place safe for ourselves. That is why Rule 5, in particular, is so important. Please, think about what you are saying before you post. There is a human on the other side of that screen, and just because you are anonymous doesn't mean what you say has no impact. Everyone has bad days, but we don't need to take them out on each other. Thank you for taking the time to read this! E: Updated to reflect the nature of those in the community. Thanks for the input!

Lol I always get The Collector because I only listen to songs in my playlist.

I feel this so much.

I wanna play a game!

Body: nope, you’re gonna keep doing this thing you’re already doing.

Nooooooo, game!

Body: hahahahaha no.

When I had kids, autism was still for boys. I think I’m in a minority though because I wanted kids a lot. So I see them as independent extensions of myself. I didn’t get the socialization issues with them, and would make a point to bring at least one kid when they got older as my support person. They didn’t know this though.

It was actually easier for me to be around other people when they were young because they gave me something to talk about.

I rarely think about the fact it might look like I’m making the convo about ne but this is definitely true for me.

They know me so well! 😭

My husband wakes up 5 minutes before he has to leave, and if he’s going 15 minutes away, that means he GETS UP 20 minutes before he has to be somewhere.

The only exception to that rule is when I need to be somewhere, because he will ask me what time I need to leave, and he will actually get up 30 minutes before that time. Essentially, he only makes sure he’s awake enough to drive when I’m in the car. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that because I’m happy he’s accommodating my needs, but that also means he values my life more than his, whereas I worry about his safety.

This may sound stupid, but The Last Unicorn soundtrack. It makes me cry. Also the Red Bull scared me so much as a kid. It’s of course one of my favorite movies, and the songs kick but all it takes is the scene of him pushing them into the sea, which I think about every time I listen.

I think you don’t understand cats. They absolutely have very different traits. My husband works with people with disabilities and he has nicknamed our cats with the behavioral traits we show. My favorite cat is nicknamed ADHD. My oldest cat is Agoraphobia. Another one is Narcissist. With just those three, it can be proven that cats all have unique personalities just like we do.

Same. Out of all my lost jobs, only two can be proven (by me only of course) to be because of some autistic trait I have.

While I don’t value my own life as much as I should, I know I have value to others, and most of that is due to my traits. In fact, I’m starting a job today that wants me specifically because of those traits. I never thought I’d work again.

I have saved dozens of kitten lives, who go on to make their new human’s life better.

I used to hate myself. I’ve learned to embrace the way I am and couldn’t imagine being any other way. The people whose lives I have made a positive impact on would agree. I don’t have to rule the world, but my household is efficient because of me.

Eugenics isn’t the answer. I’d bet if we had the right resources available, none of the people in this thread would say that. Everyone deserves a chance at a good life. Corporate greed is the reason we don’t have those resources.

I happen to have a very big imagination. Abstract thinking is also easier for me. I have always done really well with really complicated things but always make mistakes on the easy stuff. No idea what that’s about.

Today is my first appointment in the process of getting diagnosed and I’m scared.

And halfway through my search on my subscribed they change back to desktop format so everything is super tiny. I’m not that old but the tiny unreadable print and Itty bitty links infuriate me. Some days the audio isn’t synced properly with any of the videos which is super weird.

I really don’t like that shitty comment people give. How bout YOU read ME and know you’re an idiot for saying that.

Both my children exhibit signs but not enough to get a diagnosis because it’s like 1 or 2 of my major traits.

For a country that has such a mix of people, seems pretty stupid regardless the reason.

No. In God we trust is on all our money for some stupid reason.

Not slow your train down because it’s true, but more FYI:

If he’s actually autistic that’s probably why he behaves that way. I actually am mentally still in my 20s. I can grow all I want, and have, but I still act and think like I’m in my 20s.

A few years ago, I had the worst string of bad luck. My car was about to go down in flames so I bought a new one. These are just the car related mishaps. I bought a brand new car in October. In December someone ran a red light and hit me. Low speeds so just vehicle damage. A week after I got it back, a tire popped due to something on the road. THE NEXT DAY, a second tire popped for the same reason. Two weeks later, a third tire popped. This time they didn’t have any in, so I had to wait without a car till it came in.

The guy came out to tell me, having been there through everything that happened, and the look on his face when I just started laughing was priceless. Remember this isn’t all that happened during that time. It actually broke me that day, but in a good way. I don’t really get angry or upset much anymore. But it actually scares me when my response to something bad is to laugh because of all that.

We had another string of bad things happening that ended last month. So much stuff broke at once. Second time I started laughing in reaction to bad news. Good times.

I turned my phone to vibrate because the constant notification noise was driving me crazy. Then the vibrating drove me crazy. I haven’t taken my phone off silent since. I have a smart watch that only vibrates for 3 things so I don’t have to deal with all the extra interference.

Women with Autism - Lemmy.world
I was waiting for this group to be made and it hasn't so I did it. Come join us too!

I didn’t realize how much I used it until I stopped. I used Sync, so I’m definitely out of my element. I should have seen it coming since I was at Digg before. I was younger and less aware back then.

  1. I forgot what my score was so I took it again. Yikes.

My grandmother was famous for this, and my family made fun of me for having a lot of her “weird” traits. Guess the jokes on them, since I’m positive I got it from my dad (his mom).

After my burnout, I discovered I operate on fear. I no longer work and my mother is dead so all stress related to doing things I need to do is gone. I have to work myself up to a shower over several days to a week. I don’t take care of myself at all. I hate it but I actually need someone to shame me into doing something. The embarrassment and stress is the only thing that can guarantee I have the energy to do something.

So I think the answer to this question is, I don’t deal with it. I just live with the shame of not dealing with it. Considering what I’ve been through, shame is a drop in the bucket. Won’t be changing any time soon.

I tried a weighted blanket and it was too much upkeep for me. It also didn’t noticeably help.

I pick which way I want to go after the first mouthful.