
  • 135 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


It’s really mind-boggling.

Also, ironically a bit ethnocentric to suggest that the challenges in the US or Europe are in any way on par with life in places like Brazil, India, Africa!

This is also around the time smartphones came out. Wait, were the boomers right?

“late 1900s” is something I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to hearing.

5th. Have some symphony.

Oh yeah, I think I know the guy you’re talking about. If it’s who I’m picturing, it’s the one that used to show up for bit parts on Conan’s Late Night back in the day too.

It’s a luxury!

(also, there’s a funny Quest 64 meme account on twitter that I stole this from)

Sounds like you found some more time that you could be working!

How do I tag a comment nsfw

I believe it just gravitates toward whatever you know you shouldn’t say in the moment. Sort of like a “call of the void” for social situations that manifests as a tic that you can only avoid for so long.

Lol I bet. I’ve noticed that sarcasm/satire/irony seems to do especially poorly on Lemmy.

At least you got your answer!

I don’t have a horse in this race, but I bet the “I’m curious about this community” question would have been received better without the insinuation that they’re bigots and publicly letting them know that you’re going to block them.

That’s my read on the modlog, at least.

I’ve always felt a little out of the loop about that community too. My best guess is maybe it’s just for people who want to make memes about tanks and stuff, while staying detached from the actual politics of whatever situation they’re meme’ing about.

Mine finally stopped giving me this warning. I think it has fully accepted my lifestyle.

Looks like 15 (or 17 for the US release)

I mean, probably Linux at some point. I’ve dipped my toes in as a complete novice, but I expect I’ll take the full dive eventually.

This user is just the latest in a series of spammers since Lemmy has grown in popularity. It’s hard to tell if they have some vendetta against the platform or are just maladjusted and want to annoy people having a good time.

As someone who posts across Lemmy a lot, I am usually made aware of the spammers almost immediately, because my inbox will be full of the same spam comment replies all at once. I just report them up to the various instances when I see it.

There are problems in the world, but it’s important to remember that both news and social media get way more engagement when showing you doom and outrage, so the most extreme takes rise to the top.

It’s good to be informed, but don’t let the doomsaying scare you out of living your life.

Sounds like he’s saying that when game companies go public (or voluntarily put money before fun), the enshittification sets in.

Small studios with heart still make fun games.

I’d love it if they had a comparable service, because competition is good for the consumer, but they just don’t.

Steam has had a relative monopoly for two decades, and we’re lucky they’ve been customer friendly. But if something were to happen to Gabe, or Valve decided to go public or something, we’re screwed.

I’m pretty sure they’re using “locked in” to mean “focused” or “in the zone”.

Glad you’re doing better now! Recovery is a lifelong effort, and I hope you’re able to keep your reasons for stopping fresh in your mind whenever you feel tempted.

It’s important to remember that you don’t owe it to anyone to engage in a comment fight. If someone decides to be grouchy and try to pull you into an argument, you can just ignore it and move on with your day.

I post a lot of memes across Lemmy, and you’d be surprised (or maybe not) how often someone goes out of their way to be upset and attempt to bait me or others into arguing with them. I think some people just enjoy being mad, but I’m not one of them, so I’ve decided that it’s not worth the mental energy to engage with that.

I’ve picked up a few things from Limited Run. It’s cool as a collector, and I’m glad someone is doing this, but there’s also a lot of shovelware in between the good stuff.

There are a surprising number of them out there. Searching for "horror", I see quite a few comms dedicated to movies/stories, but I don't want to flood any with memes unless the sidebar says they're fair game.

Has anyone made a horror movies community on lemmy yet?

(inspired by friends' dating app woes)