• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


What value does jumping through hoops to download an iso add, exactly?

You’re just demonstrating my point by removing comments for discussions you’re actively participating in. Big L.

I do, you’re the one removing most of the comments. It’s amusing.

Ahh behold, .Ml moderation at its finest

“Turd soufflé”

And if you look to your right you will see an example of true modern art


There isn’t one, because it doesn’t work.

“Not like that either… or that.”

It’s not propaganda to acknowledge shitty people exist and will try to take advantage of any situation, it’s just basic reality when you’re out from behind a keyboard.

Communism is a goalpost on wheels, that’s why no nation has “finished that progression”

Humans do work that way. In the wake of disaster, and tragedy, and scarcity, we see people sharing resources and helping each other.

And also opportunists that will take the opportunity to loot and steal, then happily abandon anyone behind them still in the disaster.

If your baseline assumption is reliant on people doing… well, much if anything outside of being self serving it will break down fast.

“Communism but not like that. Or that. Or that. Or….”

That’s such a wide eyed idealistic view of the world. Let’s all come together and sing kumbaya.

All people throughout history have always tried to just help each other out, right?

I think AI might, eventually, stop people from posting their entire lives.

Not having a ton of data floating around about your looks, your voice, that’s the only way to protect yourself from ai generated shit.

Must not live in a very humid area, 4 days wouldn’t fly here for anyone that goes outside at all

Beehaw‘s active users nosedived after they defederated and never really recovered. There’s less than 500 total users now. But they’re all very active.

I only have experience with Lemmy, it’s kinda my daily driver for social media. It functions well, I enjoy my instance and the admins there.

The political rhetoric can be a little exhausting, especially with it being election year. The culture clashes between different instances can cause friction.

Example, this is on Lemmy.ml, and I think the admin and moderation policies on .ml are patently absurd. They also have a bot that auto edits comments to remove no no words, which is… well stupid. I would not be surprised if this comment gets removed for the above remarks.

But that’s what’s nice, Lemmy.ml admins can’t ban me from Lemmy, only .ml, and if I don’t want to deal with .ml anymore I can just block the instance. We surpassed them in MAU anyway. My instance doesn’t defederate on ideological or political lines so I have that option.

So, overall I’m enjoying myself. I’m concerned about the longevity of the platform and the extremity of political rhetoric that has to permeate every single post, but I’m hoping that dies down as Lemmy Balkanizes. That’s already started with hexbear defederating from lots of instances.

Think of resumes like SEO. You just gotta have the right key words- best way is to pull the text from the job desc of what you’re applying to

But mah anarchism!

Rules are lame!

jokes that hurt my fees fees aren’t jokes

Pffffffft ok that’s pretty fucking funny

They don’t have any reason to redirect it. They can see your dns queries either way,

Yeah see this right here, nobody is looking for your advice on how to go vegan because we don’t care about your diet and you shouldn’t flame people about there’s.

You were banned for being a tool, not being vegan. Get it straight.

Honestly if I was homeless and someone handed me a lemon… like, just a lemon… desperate times I guess

…no, it didn’t. ISPs can’t just block access to specific dns servers Willy nilly. They can slow down specific dns servers of their choice but there’s literally no incentive to do so. Your individual dns traffic isn’t that important I promise.

No, a lot will default to that, but they can’t force you to use any particular dns server. I mean they can, buts a fcc violation at that point I believe

Well… I’ve got some unfortunate news.

/s in case anyone misses it

No, anyone who is not completely aligned with my political beliefs is a fascist

If you’re telling someone about Lemmy, what link do you send them?
This post is inspired by a conversation I had with another user earlier that, after some reflection, raised an interesting point. When telling a user about Lemmy, trying to bring them into the fold if you will, what would be the best go to link? Think of reddit.com/r/all, but for Lemmy. In theory, any instance will work as long as it has a large enough user base to have people subscribed to other large isntances, but having a solid landing page to point new users towards definitely has some merit. Thoughts?

iPhone app for browsing Lemmy?
Are we just stuck with browsers for the time being? I mean it works but fuck I miss Apollo already.