• 18 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I do. I just drink a lot of water and can take a long time to fall alseep

When I was little I had issues with bedwetting. From what I learned for me is it always happens during rem sleep. In my case I am plenty aware during this time to wake myself up though it took me a few times to get it right. Now I have a issue where I have to use the bathroom very shortly before falling asleep including any random times I wake up. This really does a number on my sleep sadly.

How dare you insult the edwards!!! There might be a army of weebs invading your house in the next week…

Who’s job is it to breed anime girls and where do I sign up?

What I want to see is how the test would go if there were people with other conditions as well. There is a good chance that it would easily misdiagnoses people if used outside of the context of just nt’s and autistic people. There could be countless other conditions that also cause whatever the ai is seeing.

I came here to quote George Carlin but you beat me to it 🤣

That is 100 percent me. Been DMing a crush. We don’t really flirt though just chatting is nice (:

Bruh. You don’t have to be a trotskyist to like permanent revolution. Both stalin and trotsky can kiss my shiny metal ass.

I am voting for cornel west. I don’t give a fuck about stealing votes from biden. cornel west is who I like so I am voting for him.

Lets look at the members of The Beatles (:

  • John Lennon was born in 1940
  • Paul McCartney was born in 1942
  • George Harrison was born in 1943
  • Ringo Starr was born in 1940

Just because the music was made during the age of the boomers doesn’t mean the people that made it were boomers.

When you realize that music was created by people from the silent generation.

This is a fucking mormon kid lol. This is the type of mormon kid that would turn on the most generic country pop if given the aux cable and would put on pit vipers thinking they look super cool but not even pull off the look. I know other people that fit that stereotype that are way less annoying though. This kid has a very bad case of small dog syndrome and is often compared to a chihuahua.

Recently a short high schooler that looks like a 5th grader said “dicks are for chicks you silly f*ggot” to me. Normally I would own up to it just to see the look on there face but this kid REALLY annoys me.

Anything alternative pulls me toward it. I don’t use reddit I use lemmy. I don’t use windows I use linux. I don’t care about liberal vs conservative shit because I am a leftist.

Everyone here seems to either really like coleslaw or completely hate it. I am on team coleslaw yum: the only correct option.

Just remember everyone. This is a place of peace for believers in god and atheists alike. Arguments over this kind of stuff should stay out of this community.

I use to think the same thing to. Reading has always been very hard for me and still is so I often liked videos more and I still watch lots of videos lol. Books will help give you a deeper understanding of a topic and has a level of detail that videos barely ever have. One thing that might help you is always avoiding noise when reading. The best thing you can do is find a quiet place to read. Good earplugs or something can help when there is no other opinion. A lot of us including me have a really hard time shutting out sound and I believe that anyone that has a hard time reading should try spending more time reading in quiet places. Even with my issues reading now I can read and understand stuff that is often only for people with good reading skills because I am aware of how the world around me effects how I read.

Most people will say its generally after you eat but I personally believe it should be before and after you sleep (including naps). I noticed that after naps my mouth feels very weird and things taste different but brushing my teeth stops that. Cavities mainly form while you sleep not while you are awake so going about your normal day with dirty teeth isn’t going to harm you even though its a bit gross.

I am diagnosed with level 1 ASD and ADHD. What I have seems to be quite common though I don’t know what the most common type is.

Limit how much you use chatgpt. How I learned python was get a python book and read it carefully and follow the examples. There isn’t a fast way to learn programming. You are just going to have to take your time. If you run into a issue just make sure to add more details to your posts so we know how to help you and programming stuff should go in other communities most of the time lol. For asking people for help you can also take a look at matrix. There is lots of programming chat rooms on matrix and are community has matrix chat rooms full of programmers at all sorts of levels. I believe you will one day be quite good at python.

Having autism can be quite difficult. We are all in this together. There are people like you going though the same things you just have to know where to look.

If someone asks what lemmy is all about this is the quickest way to tell them everything they need to know.

tbh chilling in the underworld on halloween would be epic!

I can imagine things in my head but its very very low quality. My brain is mostly full of sounds and abstract ideas. I often think about how something will work instead of what it will look like. Its like everyone is looking at a clock, they know what time it is though they have no idea how the clock works while I am looking at the inside of the clock and I know how everything in it works yet I don’t know what time it is.

I will often start lots of things but never finish any. I will often overwhelm myself and I have issues with executive function. For me my ADHD tends to hide and goes unseen but its still there waiting to strike. Also some things for me take a lot longer like a lot of school stuff for me takes me way to long. Your ADHD might hide a bit more like mine but look at memories from the past like things you did in school and you will be able to see it.

Chatgpt wrote it for me btw (:

Being normal sounds boring imao.

Recently I was lazy so I port forwarded a lan world. The newest version lets you choice the port the lan world will be on.

I hate it when a piece of hardware requires some closed source software for it to be used to its fullest. It would make sense for it to be open source sense the income comes the sale of the hardware always. I feel like at this point big tech companies just like bullying everyone imao.

What are some apps that are very very slow for no reason?
I already see the electron apps coming!

A free ebook written for autistic people that describes the neurtotypical world. It can be funny and quite insightful!

A list of available online support groups for autistic people.

An essay covering the 5 major strategies that autistic and ADHD people use to communicate they love you ❤️



This chat is going to go crazy!