One of my favorite Simpsons lines, the load hearing poster
One of my favorite Simpsons lines, the load hearing poster
You merely adopted the bathroom! I was born in it, moulded by it!
That makes sense. Thank you for that bit of Fresh Prince lore!
I remember something about him traveling across the United States in the cab. I mean how much would that cost?!
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared She said, “You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air” (Los Angeles)
I, too, want to know what that strap is called… For a friend
It says if you can read the sign, you’re in range. It’s an anomaly, after all.
Is that the guy that wrote Blindsight? Strange read
A new browser touches the beacon
Unbelievably AWESOME
Honestly, same. I want to play it so bad, but never liked turn based stuff
Always wanted to learn, and I have a deck!
Thank you! I was always morally opposed to ads. Glad to have another great reason to shun them
Exactly. I hate when things say FREE!* (*With Ads), because you ARE paying for it. With your PRECIOUS TIME
So true
Love that this suggests that for vampires, it’s all in their head
ChristMAS is all around me
Some are only 30 cents! At least they were…
Do you really blame them?