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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Kind of makes sense when you think about them landing back on earth and maybe having to fight off something before the vessel can be recovered

You should be able to change the image after posting I think

His Partner reacted properly though and didn’t shoot at the fist thing that came to mind

I was on there too and kinda forgot about it

The protests in germany give me hope that the german public finally resists against fascism instead of just letting it happen and then saying “there’s nothing that could have been done” afterwards

I think the insult was directed at the owner of the bot

I didn’t like twitter before so I didn’t really get into mastodon

It’s the opposite for me I only know one person who drinks monster and would fit your criteria. All the others just look healthy.

Yes I am able to see it, if I concentrate on the corner in the back or the one in front I can switch with a little focus. But seeing it trying to change in the middle if me watching it feels extremely weird

That goes for the US, in germany kids from 2007 onwards can drink

From my experience, european homes don’t have a lot ov ac or ventilation

They consume oxygen during the night so when you have a lot of them it can cause respiratory problems, that is for the bedroom

They don’t use enough oxygen over night to negate the effect as they use the carbon to grow. It’s still bad to have a lot of plants in your bedroom, but it doesn’t really matter as long as they are relatively small.

I have seen neocities and I think it is trying to do the same, haven’t looked into it a lot though

I don’t even understand where that is coming from, even if the user numbers change the experience could still be the same

Sadly I can’t share this experience, my instance is non-nsfw

Ich han in den fokus gekaggert😎

Did you get the very first one or the remaster? I would recommend starting with the second part as it is easier to get into

Indeed but the drop in prices for what I considered the normal sizes gives me a little bit of hope for the bigger drives, I would really love a 4/8tb drive so I don’t have to worry about storage again but that will have to wait some time

Why do you think people go to drugs, most of the time it’s because their life was already bad and the drugs just made it worse. Yes, there is a percentage of people that are lazy but it is only a small margin of homeless people. There is enough well researched material on youtube about these topics on youtube. If the system doesn’t help homeless people at all it will not get better even for the people that aren’t lazy and their life just didn’t go the right way or they were exploited at their workplace to a point that they couldn’t afford living anymore.

Just because the concept of capitalism says it is possible to “work” your way to the top doesnt mean it is happening, almost every single rich person got their wealth by some means of exploitation of other people

I was only talking about normal m.2 ssds for pc, console is something different. There aren’t many extra features you meed for gaming. Storage is very cheap right now in comparison to what it used to be but it still isn’t cheap enough for game studios to pull this shit

SSDs are at a good price right now too, but that will probably soon change

I have yet to visit a household with strict dinner times, I know they probably exist but usually it’s a very flexible time

It is open source though, which gives people the option to use the product without any connection to the original people that developed it

Whatever you use for stirring, didn’t you lick that after the batter is done?

I kind of get the urge to talk to a lot of people about it

I would think it’s just not made for portable use but for storing data at a data center

From what I have seen if you explain your viewpoint people usually tell you why they disagree and you can argue with them as long as you stay respectful.

[Solved] How can i host my own lemmy instance just for myself on a single raspberry pi 3b+?
I don't have any other servers that i could run the whole time so it should just be based on one single device, I did it with Lemmy Easy Deploy