Shades of Spooks S8E03, but that had a voting system instead of an active bounty.
Shades of Spooks S8E03, but that had a voting system instead of an active bounty.
How do you deal with those labels that want to tear themselves into ribbons? This is part of the reason I leave them on the box and heat them in place.
Same here, I did make some amount of bread as a sort of novelty, but after a month most of my use came down to having it make my pizza dough for me. Did that for years.
The buy page literally lists videos and music as being part of what you’re buying with Prime, and unlimited storage for photos and that twitch sub are also listed benefit if you click the view more button.
I don’t know why that would be considered “free” since they’re literally advertising those things.
How are any of these things “free” if you’re paying to get these “free” features?
I’m not sure how you think critical thinking works. Do you have some sort of magical logic flow that doesn’t requiere some base understanding of facts?
Guy trying to sell quartz as “energy enhancing crystals” -> no understanding as to how body energy works -> might be legit, let’s give it a try
Guy trying to sell quartz as “energy enhancing crystals” -> knowing that available body energy is dictated by ATP and has nothing to do with crystals -> this smells like a scam
Critical thinking is about being able to apply knowledge of what you know to what you are currently being told. You need some basis of real, provable facts for it, which is why if you had a bio course, you also likely had some lab component to it as well.
Sure, I hear you cry, but all of that information isn’t something I need to know basically ever! Well, you’re correct, but a fun thing about learning is that the deeper you cut into a subject, the more you remember. You probably wouldn’t remember much if the entire unit only said “mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”.
And doing these deep cuts to reinforce the basics of understanding work. There is a reason that “mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” is a meme, and it’s because everyone remembers that part, not nessessarily the part that they have their DNA that is always inherented from your mother and is referred to as mDNA.
I hope this helps you to think critically against the continued push against critical thinking, particularly to the claim that what you learned in school has nothing to do with doing it.