Technically I’m pan, but I’m also gay AF.
I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.
Currently on Earth for 8 years ensuring steps to unite humanity and usher us into the galactic civilization just so I can see my boyfriend again.
Technically I’m pan, but I’m also gay AF.
This is the ass spoken of in the phrase “Here’s a spoon, now eat my ass.”
Ceiling tits? In this economy?
Counter-Counter-Point: Valve literally is the developer that made lootboxes ubiquitous in gaming. The good things they do have and have done still do not outweigh the bad, nor should this fact ever be ignored. They make a good product because it gets them customers. They also were one of the first devs I read about to have hired psychologists to scientifically addict you to games. They are only your friend so far as they understand you can get more flies with honey than with vinegar.
I’d love to see someone make a “TF2 Classic” where it’s the game as it was on release, but with all the current QOL and fixes; none of the unlockables and hats and all that bullshit. Just pure fucking fun. Oh, and also give us back all the scripting commands they needlessly took away because some players are too dumb to type shit into the console or download someone else’s config and were claiming that they were unfair.
Now I want a little, teeny-tiny Z-100 computer.
Turn this crack house into a crack home.
If I did anything other than use my PC as a glorified gaming console, I might care about w10 not being updated anymore. Until games literally can’t work on the OS, I’ll stay on it. And when they do stop working, I’ll probably just install Linux.
Serious question: How can a programming language be more or less secure than another? I am just a hobbiest, not a professional, so I am genuinely curious.
My dad who is a software engineer can’t even answer my question. But then he’s old and I’ve only seen this argument coming from the young bloods.
Am I looking at a llama using a fuck machine?
A Critique of Pure Reason
Man fuck that. I wanted to try these specifically because they said they only used agave syrup as a sweetener. Stevia, suclarose and aspartame always have this weird aftertaste and mouth feel.
If it’s not 60 or higher, I can’t stand it. But it has to be consistent. Even constant fluctuations between 120-140 are felt even if not necessarily seen. I generally just try to get 60 since my display is 60hz. What’s annoying is that I could be doing 1440p at 60 with my specs, but for some reason setting the display to that specific resolution locks it to 30hz.
The display is 4k, and has 60hz available at 4k and every other resolution. My PC can’t handle 4k @ 60 for most things, though.
Realism should never get in the way of fun.
Yes, things fall apart/break over time or with excessive use. But it still takes way longer IRL for that to happen than in a game with these mechanics. Some of them are really bad and the best equipment lasts for maybe 15 minutes. Which is total bullshit. I don’t want to stop the fun part of the game to go back to base and fix my tools every 15 minutes.
Personally, I prefer Libre7up.
A French company that hates their customers is, like, the most stereotypical French thing to exist that isn’t a cigarette and coffee for breakfast.
The literal version of “man has enough blood to operate his brain or his penis, but not both at once.”
Shit drawing one by hand isn’t hard either.