Considering the origin of carbonara, it’s not that weird.
Considering the origin of carbonara, it’s not that weird.
Eden ring censored “Knight” to “K***ht” iirc
Some of those were hilarious, like the one who didn’t know there were shots, so he just said he collapsed then was escorted off the stage, or the “I wish he would Van Gogh away” one
I would just remove one word from everyone you wrote. “Unprecedented”
Look up how much time it took to build the initial interstates. Same shit in Canada and the Trans-canada highway. It didn’t take centuries to build, it won’t take centuries to fix either.
Basically the out of a simple pull of the trigger is too easy. Easier than jumping off a bridge, relatively painless, quick and doesn’t injure bypassers.
Having the gun is too easy an out, so people with suicidal thoughts will stay away from them. I was like that too at 22. Here’s just one of many stories. Trigger warning for suicide (duh)
If Quebec, Canada had the same access to handguns as the US, I would be dead today. Simple as that. Instead, I failed an attempt to jump from a viaduc because I was scared of causing a collision and taking someone else with me, was sent to the hospital by the police, got a psychiatrit’s help. Turns out I wasn’t a lazy worthless piece of shit. I had an untreated, very powerful case of ADHD blocking me from accomplishing anything of value.
I am no longer suicidal. I’ve overcome that. However, I always worry that those feelings will one day come back after a series of bad decisions. I am, therefore, keeping things that would kill me in an instant without pain away from myself. You just never know when you’ll have a moment of weakness. If I thought to off myself once, I can think of it again.
You in the US? doesn’t have a “buy this much for free shipping” option as far as I know.
What a beautiful excuse to drop prime. Unfortunately my own changing of behavior won’t change anyone’s, but hey, at least I guess it’s less money spent monthly.
Aww shucks!
When was that? I only really got into computers around the time of windows 98 and back then everything was a pop-up on the internet. You would actually go to war against the popups, trying to close more that were opening.
Maybe that was on XP tho because I don’t really remember it that well. I certainly remember looking up what the word incest meant for a school assignment and having to rush to close popup ads at the public library. It was the first time I used the internet and it was not a great first impression.
You make a lot of sense
Golden rule being “don’t be an asshole”?
Put something on a public platform = accept that people will look at it. Allow for people to comment on it and you invite these comments. If someone wants to post pictures and not get comments on them, they can post them to a platform that doesn’t allow comments.