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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 08, 2024


It’s gone up but the ranting that is over $20 is overblown. I can get 2 bacon egg and cheese bagels for 4.50. Or I got a triple quarter pounder meal and a happy meal for like $20.

If it were a tech company everyone would be screaming about them telling you what you should be eating.

Individual owners can mostly do what they want. Locations in poor communities have lots of challenges with homeless folks using the restaurant as home base.

Down is fucking fantastic performance wise. When you say that crap people will look at you funny.

You should ignore every single one of those people bitching about punctuation.

The punctuation is total bullshit. 100% ignore them. Typing just K definitely is a bit informal for all but the most casual conversations with close relationships. I will 100% drop an👌👍 online when I encounter someone who just wants to argue or be mean to piss them off. Nothing enrages a gen z troll like 👌👍.

Ahhh more propaganda that hand waves away the millions of people also starving away under communism. Of course it’s .Ml

You clearly haven’t seen the new ones. The quality gap is minimal, the next gen interior is much more in line with its competition.

It finally made consumer reports good buy.

Lolol same exact thing 🤣

Elon hypes the shit out of them and misses a lot.

But the model 3, and now especially the next gen is a fantastic car.

Theranos was straight up fraud.

Same shit. Just not your flavor of shit.

Imma ban anything I don’t agree with mentality.

Ohh shut down lemmy shit next! It’s so comical to see lemmy and reditus bitching any social media and clapping for this.

If you’re in support of this shit you should be applauding us universities right now.

Okay, they all used a shitty configuration 🤷‍♂️.

1.3T visits in 2023. 100M are paying for premium. They are doing just fine.

“Literally UNUSABLE!”

Meanwhile 99% of the planet uses it just fine.

Meh. There are plenty of good HOAs that make sure your neighbors aren’t assholes as well as tank property value dying stupid shit.

Nightmare fuel.

Think of the bugs. You haven’t thought of the bugs, you bitch!

I don’t care. I’m just saying the why.

TBH privacy advocates have largely put themselves into the position of the window ME UAC prompt. They are deaf to it and IMO it’s a large part of the privacy community treating everything like an 11 and refusal to look towards a user friendly threat model.

Nobody cares. It’s easy. Folks aren’t out getting arrested in mass, even in the United States. Unless youre out selling drugs or protesting while breaking shit it has no functional effect on your life in any way.

👌 God of War is the same thing as of gow. Same with Zelda. Oh and same with fallout and Star Field. Definitely no added complexity.

That 30 year old textures look like garbage?

Look game sizes are large but pretending like they haven’t grown 10x in complexity as well as look is delusional.

Because it’s normal people instead of 100s of posts about Linux and thigh highs.

How oblivious do you have to be to not realize Reddit does a way better job on updates and reliability?

Nobody cares about your morbid need to kill people in a limited show of force.

Also in this picture: successful corporations doing exactly what their customers ask.

Depends on the city and state. Plenty of places require deposits placed into escrow exactly for these purposes.

Something something glass houses and stones and all. Self awareness goes pretty far as a skill.

No. This is crackpot shit from someone who clearly hasn’t been in the industry.

Just need to scroll through 800 lines of garbage back story and hope they use the keep screen alive toggle! And it’s super easy scrolling with shit on your hands!

Not everything is made better by a 6 inch screen.