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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


Lemmy hating on the raw food movement now?

Looks neat, but does it have txt recognition? Either for graphical pdfs or preferably at least for the text notes I am writing so I can search later?

Thanks for making me feel like an idiot for not knowing things after age 30.

Is this one of those time machine ones or just a regular hot tub. Can’t even tell anymore

Do they need to be alive? Will take note of this for future perambulatiins if so.

No one would fund this nonsense these days. It’s not the 90s anymore man.

I dunno about this. When I buy bully sticks they list the names of all the bulls on them. I think it’s weird either way, prefer it if food products weren’t quite that personalized.

Fake news - maths teacher with a luxury apt? This is not adding up.

Really hope the couple is two tall lanky bearded guys.

So you feel this is perhaps racist but no concern for it also being perhaps ageist?

Ha! Must have been so disappointed when you learned it was Louis Toilette!

I apologize in advance, but Fido may try to sleep with you, just keep your door locked.

Aww, the little guy is welcome to snuggle - I’m a dog lover!

Fido is my cousin. He is 225lbs.

Fascinating. Sounds like a shit place to live and and an awesome place to visit.

If she gave it that name I am even more upset about that than it being shot.

It’s to scare people off from dividing by it.

Dummy probably just hasn’t run a defrag in awhile.

OP doesn’t know shit about arictechture OR history.

Early on in Italy they did finish buildings but due to the gravity situation and the soil there they would tilt over. Using the protractor (invented by da Vinci, an ITALIAN) they started calculating which part of the buildings to leave off so they would stay level.

Sorry you missed that day in middle school chump.

Wtf, did you just cook me a woman’s size pasta portion? Do you think I’m getting fat?

Canada really should step in. Shouldnt be allowing this behavior so close to their border.

Isn’t that true of anything that is actually low quality textile with a big logo on it? If you actually care about clothes and the way they look you don’t want some big dumb word written on your body. Unless. You are like the guy in the picture and being paid to wear a shirt like that, don’t do free advertisement for these sweatshops.

I’m very much for whatever my pollsters tell me to be for on a given day and/or whatever lobby has overflowing pockets!!

In modern politics you never know where anyone stands. Having a platform is political suicide. “Stay vague and useless my friends” ~the least interesting man in the world.

I’m honestly unsure. What is the alternative? Instead of a pre-emptive risk assessment of whether or not you can pay something, more people just receive punishments when they end up not being able to? I don’t like being judged or told what I can or cannot pay back a month from now, but on a large scale doesn’t this mostly protect people from dangerous debts? For the opponents, what is the proposed alternative?

Going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing that’s the original cartoon and this is a play on the irony of the post-modern revelation of many of capitalism’s failures.

Do you look back at him with an ominous reminder that the statistics are not in his favor?

My fridge has water hookup but no filter. It makes ice. I have never cleaned it. I put the ice in everything. At the same time, I get really weird about drinking out of fridges at vrbos as they often have a water Dispenser with a filter and zero indication of when that filter was ever changed (never is a safe bet).

Exactly, but on the plus side think of how many McDonald’s ice cream machines this guy is going to have access to.

Sounds like a meme with mods looking like Karen’s putting pants (jeans?) on a David statue or something is in order here. This is ridiculous behavior, unless perhaps the mods are AI…?

If you phrase your question in exactly the right way it will provide a mundane watered down fact about toast. Also the heat generated from the chip calculating that response is what heats your bread instead of an old fashion coil. Oh, and you get to pay a subscription fee to use it.

Who would think this is a flex? What is this a reference to?

A more expensive house even. Not so humble brag!

BTW OP understand it’s a tough decision but this is one of those questions social media is just shit for answers. Far too personal. Only advice is if cost of expensive house is anywhere near being a stressor, get away, becoming house poor is a total bitch and is a far greater hit than the benefit of having a dining room, or a finished basement, or running water or whatever.