As someone who lives in Texas and every other vehicle in the road is an oversized pickup, fuck em.
They drive worse faster the douchy chargers/mustangs and somehow manage to use their blinker less often than a BMW driver.
As someone who lives in Texas and every other vehicle in the road is an oversized pickup, fuck em.
They drive worse faster the douchy chargers/mustangs and somehow manage to use their blinker less often than a BMW driver.
Bad romance novels or creepy “alpha male” influencers.
Soubds like if advertisers pull out we’ll see the internet just move to subscription/pay per use based models. Unless they can sell your data like social media you will probably have to pay for entry.
There are some that consider the term obese to be derogatory.
I don’t agree with that opinion, but I can understand where they come from. I generally support body positivity with a heavy dose of realism. Being overweight shouldn’t be a reason for someone to treat you poorly, but pushing the idea that being overweight isn’t unhealthy is where I draw the line.
If I were medically overweight I’m sure I would also not like any term that directly points to something considered a very negative trait, however clinical the word is.