Nah not really, watching TV is a boomer thing
Nah not really, watching TV is a boomer thing
I haven’t met anyone under the age of 40 that still uses a TV to watch stuff
He was also incredibly racist and extremely homophobic even before his schizophrenia got bad. I don’t want to play suffering Olympics here but you can suffer from mental health issues and still be an awful person.
I mean yeah, the Democratic elite seem to have utter contempt for the party base and just ignore polling. Gaza is the perfect example of this. In the lead up to the election, it was abundantly clear that Kamala’s “policy” (read: doing nothing) towards Gaza was tremendously unpopular with the party base. And they just… Ignored it. There are plenty of people who withheld from voting on that issue alone.
A quote I really like; “with Democrats like these, who needs Republicans”. The party is a total joke right now.
And yet, actions taken by the UHC CEO have doubtlessly caused far, far more suffering and death. Why aren’t you criticizing him?
Lmao, have fun with your crappy modern tvs. Relevant Lemmy post: