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Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


A party typically includes a fighter, magic user, thief and cleric.

…at a tavern!

So you’re saying the best way to win is to lose?

Socrates bitched and moaned about these darn kids today and then got sentenced to death for corrupting the youth…

There was an old zany who lived in a tub

He had so many flea bites he didn’t know where to rub

He kept looking for an honest man

Said I’m gonna find him, if I can


Honestly, if I didn’t think this meme was so damn funny, I wouldn’t have posted anything regarding Morrissey, but I have to admit, that accurately describes his music.

Okay, I’m going to act on Striker’s behalf and ban you for trolling. Toodles.

You wouldn’t be alone in either not knowing or forgetting. It seems to be regularly forgotten that Eric Clapton is also a racist.

I don’t even get it. Is it supposed to be insulting or…?

Not especially recent:

Around the same time as Britpop exploded, Morrissey began getting pictures taken draped in the British flag; he also began making disparaging remarks about immigration. Hell, he even wrote a song called ‘The National Front Disco’. But while Morrissey’s views always gained column inches, as his music waned and the singer’s original fandom began to find themselves in bank manager positions, he began to find his place in the press less and less often.


So basically, Morrissey has been upfront about being a racist fuck for a very long time.

That’s what made him great for the role, though.

And you would be correct.

I like you. I’m going to kill you last.

I’m soaking it all up slowly and it will turn into a burst of serial killing within a decade or so.

Jim Jones and I both went to Indiana University (I also grew up in that university’s town, Bloomington), and now I live in Terre Haute, Indiana, which has the federal prison where Timothy McVeigh was executed and a school for “troubled” teens that Charles Manson once got sent to.

I can’t help it if mass murder surrounds me, right?


It was in a separate lesson, which was similarly filled with bullshit.

At this point, I wouldn’t put it past Trump to tell them all to kill themselves if he gets found guilty at his trials.

I don’t know where you get your pizza from but it sure as hell isn’t like that here.

I’m luckier than others in that I hate the effects of opioids, so unless it is actually doing some pain killing (fentanyl did wonders when I was in the ER with kidney stones), I just wouldn’t want it in my system.

But I also know that there are plenty of people it does work for who use it because they are legitimately in pain and either were hooked on them by a doctor and can’t get off or just can’t afford an alternative other than to score something illegally to solve their pain issues due to our capitalist healthcare system.

I realize you have to simplify things for kids sometimes, but this is not the way to do it.

Weird how cigarettes and alcohol are not ‘gateway drugs.’

Thankfully, she knows from her father, who uses cannabis medicinally, that it is not a “gateway drug.” Especially since the pain I am using it to treat now was one which a doctor originally tried and failed to treat by throwing multiple opioids at it and I’m not doing fentanyl today despite that. Two days of withdrawal was a bitch though.

I had D.A.R.E. and we also had “Officer Friendly” come to our elementary school and tell us all the ways drugs would kill us horrifically.

They did. It was a separate lesson. It was also full of nonsense.

Well said. I made sure I told her all about the opioid epidemic and she already understands how shitty our healthcare system is.

I’m glad I can be around to tell her what is and is not bullshit or propaganda. Even when it’s about alcohol and cigarettes. They don’t even discuss medication options for alcohol and nicotine addictions despite those being real options that work well for some people.

Then you have enough for 30 days and/or 10 days for the roaches.

Frozen French bread pizza can be acceptable in terms of crust.

There are people in this world who have seriously tried to sell me on the idea that frozen pizza is just as good as delivery.

And those people worry me.

Marijuana is its own special category, but club drugs (which for some reason include date rape drugs), inhalants and steroids are all in a "miscellaneous" category together? Also, note all the ridiculous drug propaganda lies.

I’m going to probably be going on a healthcare “vacation” next month where that’s a likely scenario, so I’ll let you all know how it goes.

It’s mostly assholes in pickup trucks doing it.

I have a Prius. Not for any stupid “I’m saving the planet despite still driving an ICE car” reasons, because I save a lot on gas.

Doesn’t stop every “rollin’ coal” asshole from doing it when they drive by me because “haw haw dumb librul hippie.” You sure showed me by spending a lot more on gas than I do.

That’s why it’s China’s move.

My dad died the same day David Bowie died. It really sucks to have all of your friends post things like, “David Bowie was an inspiration to me and made me the person I am today. His star has fallen and I will be devastated forever. Also, sorry about your dad, dude.”

Why on Earth do you think I’d tell you what her name was?

See that peak a little while after 1989?

I lost my virginity in 1993.


What is this? Some sort of 'protect the children because they're totally not using apples and soda cans' bullshit? Why is this in any way necessary or even useful? Edit: Just discovered this was about tobacco, making this even stupider since this product isn't for tobacco, it's for cannabis. https://dclcorp.com/blog/news/pact-act-impacts-vape-industry/

Please do not give me shit for using Facebook. It's how I keep in touch with relatives, most of whom live abroad, and my brother, who is has ASD prefers to communicate with me that way. I would rather not use it, but I would prefer keeping in touch with my brother. That said, I would not let AI keep in touch with my brother for me.

Here is how the BoardGameGeek link above explains it how it is different from regular Scrabble: > All of the extra scoring spaces are replaced with the various states. They have two effects. The give the familiar triple letter or triple word scoring bonus. In addition each states gives an additional bonus equal to the state’s Electoral College value (after all other modifications). So for instance California is a triple letter space and gives a bonus of 55 points as well (it is also way off to one side). There is a list of extra “words” that are worth extra points; either 5, 10 or 15 points. Some of these “words” are things like FDR or LBJ which would not ordinarily be available to use, while others are regular words like vote that just give an extra bonus. > > Finally there is a deck of cards showing all of the Presidents. Each card has a bit of historical information and gives a way to either get an extra bonus when played or change the rules in some fashion. The Nixon card for instance allows one to play a word with one letter misspelled. Players receive five of these cards at the start of the game, and can play at most one per turn. My favorite part of the link, though, is this part: > The board is round and not square. I love it because nothing more is said on it. Why is it round and not square? I have no idea. I guess they thought it would look cooler if it wasn't just the round Great Seal of the United States on a square board or square Scrabble grid inside the circle? ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/66ef567b-075a-4110-b98b-e8fc195e0da5.png)

Thankfully, it was not the only place in town to get a jigsaw puzzle, but it *was* the only Minnesota-themed gift shop to buy jigsaw puzzles. (This is not relevant.)

What is the difference between cellular data being used on my phone and cellular data being used on my notebook? Data is data.

How is this even possible in 2024? I realize Rochester isn't exactly a major metropolis, but we're in the middle of town! It's not like they're relying on Hughesnet or something. Also, it's not that they're cheaping out on us either. The owners live upstairs. This is a duplex.

> > > Bagheera kiplingi inhabits Mimosaceae trees, Vachellia in particular, where it consumes specialized protein- and fat-rich nubs called Beltian bodies. The nubs form at the leaf tips of the acacia as part of a symbiotic relationship with certain species of ants. The spiders actively avoid the ants that attempt to guard the Beltian bodies (their food source) against intruders. Although the Beltian bodies account for over 90% of B. kiplingi diet, the spiders also consume nectar and occasionally steal ant larvae from passing worker ants for food. Sometimes, they cannibalize conspecifics, especially during the dry season. > > > > Despite their occasional acts of predation, the spiders' tissues have been found to exhibit isotopic signatures typical of herbivorous animals, implying that most of their food comes from plants.[3][6] The mechanism by which they process, ingest, and metabolize the Beltian bodies is still unresearched. The vast majority of spiders liquefy their prey using digestive enzymes before sucking it in. > >

[Rant] A few days ago, I asked if Mint would run okay on a Lenovo T460 (I appreciate all the advice). I got it working, but the installation was a big pain and I totally blame Lenovo.
I got the T460 refurbished and I really didn't want to run Windows 10 on it. I last used Linux for any real length of time a good 20 years ago, so I'm pretty inexperienced with it at this point and I had to figure out how to install it myself. They made it unreasonably difficult to first install an OS from a USB stick. I had to go into the BIOS, turn UEFI to legacy, turn off secure boot, reboot to boot from the USB stick, install Mint, then turn legacy *back* to UEFI to get it to boot from the hard drive. This took about 2 hours of trying to figure it out by doing a lot of forums reading. I do *not* blame the Mint community or the Linux community as a whole. There is absolutely no reason that it should have been that hard to install Mint on that notebook. I don't even think getting into the BIOS once time should be necessary, but changing a BIOS setting so you can install the OS and changing it back so you can run the OS off the internal drive is just ridiculous and I find it hard to believe Lenovo couldn't have just made it easier. I'm fairly convinced this was intentional on their part. I'm not an IT professional or anything, but I know enough to figure this stuff out with effort, but it shouldn't have taken that effort. It should have been almost plug-and-play. This is 2024. The notebook isn't even 10 years old. Is there actually a good reason for this or are they just kissing Microsoft's ass?

Raw foods such as fruits and vegetables are not part of this 3% because they are not manufactured.

My half-Jewish daughter tried matzo for the first time today. Egg and onion. The best kind of matzo. She declared it “just okay.”
This is why we never gave her a bat mitzvah. Oh, but does she want 8 Hanukkah presents every year? You bet she does. Clearly she inherited the multi-generation Indiana family food gene from her non-Jewish mother. Either that, or this is not my daughter. Should I go on Maury? I'm not even going to try with the gefilte fish. I don't need the tsouris. And I'll tell you one thing- she isn't going looking for an afikomen come Passover. Non-Jews: it's probably best to just ignore my rant. Thank you. EDIT: Hmm. Guess people here aren't matzo fans either. Oh well.

I’m relatively unfamiliar with Linux. I’m getting a ThinkPad T460 and want to install Mint on it. Is there anything about the T460 I should know?
It's probably been 15 years since I've used Linux and Mint seems to be the recommended distro for people who aren't all that familiar with Linux like me, but I didn't know if there was anything I should know with this ThinkPad model that anyone is familiar with. My searching around shows people saying everything from it was painless to install to they had tons of issues and I have no idea how common either one is. So any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

From the about page here: https://tolunacorporate.com/about/ As you can see, it's an 'about' page, so you're supposed to *learn about the company.* There is plenty more corporate bullshit language on the page, but those were the worst parts. Can you figure out what those services, if they even are services, are from that? (I'm sort of mildly infuriated for a friend who showed me this website because the place where they work is trying to find a company that does market research and it's his job to find the company.)

My daughter lost her social studies essay because LibreOffice doesn’t have autosave on automatically.
This is about the most recent version of LibreOffice on Windows 10. I can't speak for other versions. My daughter worked hard on her social studies essay. I type things in for her because she’s a really bad typist, but she tells me what to write… but I didn’t remember to manually save her social studies essay yesterday, and for some reason the ThinkPad rebooted, LibreOffice crashed and we lost the whole thing... because autosave was not automatically on when I installed it. No, recovery didn't work. We just got a blank file. I rewrote it for her based on the information we had and what I remembered and tried to make it sound like what a 13-year-old would write because it was basically my fault and she did do the work. I did have her sit with me as I wrote it in case she didn’t like something I wrote, but it was sort of cheating. I'm okay with that cheating since I know she worked hard on it. First, though, I went into the settings and turned on autosave. I like LibreOffice, but why the hell is that not on automatically? Honestly, I don't really understand why someone *wouldn't* want their documents autosaved, but I'm pretty sure *most* people *would* want that. This isn't fucking 1993. I shouldn't have to remember to save a document anymore and it shouldn't be lost forever because of it. Like I said, I like LibreOffice. I don't really want to trust documents to Microsoft or Google. But this was really annoying.

>Chariklo is about 160 miles (257.5 kilometers) across and is one of the Centaurs, a group of icy bodies between Jupiter and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. Chariklo is the largest of these small bodies, making it similar to a large boulder the size of a small boulder as far as superlatives go. Chariklo also boasts two rings, discovered in 2013 and recently observed by the Webb Space Telescope. > >Now, research published in The Planetary Science Journal suggests that a satellite may be confining Chariklo’s skimpy rings. “Planetary rings will naturally spread or disperse over time,” said Amanda Sickafoose, an astronomer at the Planetary Science Institute and the study’s lead author, in an institute release. > >“Chariklo exhibits two thin rings, a few kilometers in width,” Sickafoose added. “In order for the rings to stay this thin, there needs to be a mechanism to confine the material and prevent it from dispersing.”

Fucking climate change... (Apologies for using Freedom Units.)

Amazon pricing makes no sense.
We have been buying extra strong PG Tips British tea from Amazon because we think American tea is way too weak. 3 boxes of 80 were about $40 last time I bought them a few months ago. They’re now $80. Thankfully we discovered we can get an order of 6 for $60, but we have to wait until mid-February for the to arrive. Meanwhile, a single box of the same tea, which we'll have to get in the mean time, is $20. Yes, a single box is less per box than a 3-count box order, but you still save if you buy 6 boxes. How does any of that make sense?

Chrome thinks Firefox is unsafe!
I needed to reinstall Firefox on this computer, so I started up Chrome to download the latest version and *it blocked the download as unsafe!* I had to manually tell it to download anyway. Fuck Chrome. I'm glad I only used it to download one file and went back to Firefox.


It also didn’t accept “Godzilla being revealed as guilty by Hercule Poirot” EDIT: What the fuck. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/b476e5c1-6639-497c-9b7a-5e60b859bad4.png) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/e2dd8c1a-b093-4338-a94d-4ce57d3fbe87.png) Ok, last edit. Just because I'm getting seriously annoyed. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/91cb0f96-6bf3-4bec-a4af-a41dc3c2ac5d.png) Doesn't Godzilla lay an egg in the shitty American version with Matthew Broderick?

This is ridiculous. It's taken me a long time to switch to DuckDuckGo because when I get comfortable with something, it's really difficult for me to switch, but if they're going to totally change it (even if it appears to only be for certain search terms now), this is the last straw. To make it worse, this is a re-search. The first time I searched the term, it asked me if I wanted an AI definition at the top of the page. No, I want a fucking Wikipedia link. I realize it's on the page, but come on. This is the same search on DuckDuckGo: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/b68c1543-df01-4ebf-af2d-6b7629f9f09e.png)

We went to the county fair yesterday- a pig peed on my leg.
This mildly infuriated me and I felt the need to share my mild infuriation. I can't blame the pig. It was just being a pig. I can't blame the way they have the pens set up, that's for the benefit of the pigs. I can't even blame myself because I wasn't even looking in that direction when it happened. I want someone to pin fault on, damn it! I need closure! I had to wait until my daughter was done on the rides to get a shower and someone needs to pay!