that‘s a good idea. I will copy your „way of lemmy“.
that‘s a good idea. I will copy your „way of lemmy“.
Commenting so I‘m active :)
One of my favorite games ever.
Supplementary video 1:Meissner effect for sample 2. [Video]( c8fec748481fb4b933932e80c)
Supplementary video 2:Exclude ferromagnetism of sample 2. [Video]( A291&is_story_h5=false&mid=jLEqsyica5eHkvtMXQ2K1A%3D%3D&plat_id=193&share_from=ug c&share_medium=android&share_plat=android&share_source=QQ&share_tag=s_i×tamp= 1690894807&unique_k=B6gawMH&up_id=7590247)
Wow, nice. Loved it ~2008