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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Nov 22, 2023


Yeah its the unfortunate reality of nsfw chats.

I would be extremely cautious with that. Unless you have plans for human moderation, the chances it gets abused are high.

Its a good thing you can turn it off then. I always found it made aiming the bow a lot easier

It basically needs more ergonomic joycons to be usable for more than an hour in handheld mode for me. I’ve got a pair of hori split pad pros that work really well, but you lose the gyro which kind of sucks for aiming in games like zelda

My old college dorm did this, I told them I don’t have a smartphone (lie) and they gave me an access card that works 100% of the time without needing a charge. They might do the same at your gym.

WSL2 is pretty good. I get better performance running emberjs than my coworkers stuck on Mac do lol

He did work for the Spanish tho

That’s hilarious and of course it’s hexbear

Are you crazy?? You can’t trust a 21 year old to have a refined enough palette to be a restaurant evaluator!

Yep, what a disappointing game that was too. I got to the end and was shocked that was it lol

I hate the trend of “former developers of popular game company make new things”. A game is more than just a handful of the devs that worked on it, and bears no influence on whether or not anything they create in the future will be good.

Your moral convictions tell you to not vote or to vote for literal fascism?

Well yeah, if you passed a reference then once the original is destroyed it would be null. The real trick is to make a copy and destroy the original reference at the same time, that way it never knows it wasn’t the original.

I’ve seen no evidence to that. There are cases tried under obscenity laws but CSAM has a pretty clear definition of being visual.

Thank you, I’ve been trying to get this point across for months

How can text ever possibly be CSAM when there’s no child or sexual abuse involved?

Bots have been doing this on Reddit forever, it’s a lot more noticeable now that most of the good users who generated content have left.

You have exactly 10 seconds to get the duck out of programmerhumor

I haven’t seen specifically cooking, but there have been quite a few papers about mixing task-instruction LLMs with task-execution robot arms (like they use in manufacturing) to perform simple tasks given only a plain English instruction. Eg, “pick up the red ball and place it in the blue bowl”. Very cool research but still very new.

Lemmy(software) shouldn’t buy ads but I don’t think there’s any reason an individual instance shouldn’t buy ads if they choose to. Whether or not that will bring users that are worth having, is a different story entirely.

Fuckcrack is all the rag on the streets these days

That’s just what they want you to think