What if I told you that in March 2022 the Ukrainians and Russians came this close to closing a deal that would end the war… that is, before the Ukrainians decided to accept effectively unlimited NATO aid in exchange for scrapping said deal?
I hate American “society” so fucking much.
What if I told you that in March 2022 the Ukrainians and Russians came this close to closing a deal that would end the war… that is, before the Ukrainians decided to accept effectively unlimited NATO aid in exchange for scrapping said deal?
And then what?
a lot of people here are taking their rightful hatred of capitalism and channeling it into the support of an oligarchic authoritarian (Putin and Russia)
Google “1993 constitutional crisis” to see where the correct channeling of hate for capitalism went.
FWIW similar fates for leftists have occurred in Iran, Palestine, Afghanistan, and other countries that hate the US but have ended up being run by highly reactionary factions.
Or the PPB Principle
wealth for many
How many, exactly?
middle class
You mean like the big beautiful boaters talks fondly about? Or the landlords that don’t generate any actual value but get rich by literally leeching off of others (who largely do actual work that generates actual value?)
You rang?