Eh, be careful what you wish for. Our retirements will likely be short, but as long as we have basic mental faculties, they’ll be pretty fucking cool what with Halo games & Smash Bros, etc.
And if just your memory is impaired, every game is always new. 🙂
But fr, dropping some wisdom on you – I’ve heard the phrase you’ll never HAVE the time; you have to MAKE the time for what you prioritize. And hell. If you’ve got such a nice, full life you enjoy & you can’t make the time for video games? All the better. 🙂 I wish you well.
Not that I condone incest, but yeah…the main purposes behind incest laws are: protecting minors/kids from sexual predators and preventing births of fucked-up babies, with genetic disorders. Some incest babies are almost entirely normal, others are severely retarded and/or have lives of pure pain. It’s a roll of the dice, very irresponsible, and that’s why we forbid it.
Gay fucking doesn’t result in children. And if the gay fucking is between two consenting adults…well…I don’t really want to hear about it, ever, but it’s a relationship that doesn’t negatively impact anyone besides the two people in the relationship. 🥴
“I see myself in you, son.” 🥴
It involves pagers, nbd. 😇
I would say $100K+ & provide a link. Idk. It’s nice & short, it’s lowball & true to say, and if people want to look up more accurate numbers they can do so on their own time.