• 2 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Feb 16, 2024


This is the type of complaint you would expect a granola bar eater to have.

FSM blesses me with low cost noodles every night. May he bless you my brother or sister. R’amen 🙏

Step 1: Be attractive. Step 2: If not attractive, rent Face/Off and take notes. Stalk attractive person and swap faces with them when they aren’t looking. Step 3: Free rent.

The only combo more iconic is peanut butter and jeans

How else would you draw a female hotdog? No tits and it looks like another dude just like all the ones I’ve eaten before

The volume is slow but I use the play/pause, next features all the time without issue. I think you need to fix the direction you swipe your finger

If anaconda is still a metaphor then I gladly will take death

This was pre-job time :) Testing a 3d printed joint with it when I noticed the wood was very undersized.

That’s possible. I just moved from CA to MI 2 years ago. I know they were 1.5 then because I built alot of props and temp walls with it. I was reusing a 3d printed joint I designed to make a garden trellis when I noticed the wood didnt fit like before.

It’s possible they stocked the wrong thing, but it was rung up as Pressure-Treated so maybe they applied the wrong barcode?

Entire stock as of 5/6/24. I didnt even notice it was smaller than usual, busy trying to find the only-slightly warped boards.

I dont know why they have to lie about it. At $5/8ft board you'd think I paid for the full 1.5. Edit: I mixed up nominal with actual.

The goat’s name was Kid Rock so that’s why no one is complaining.

I beat up a heavy bag for a few hours a week but I refuse to cut my hair. What if it gets to a magical length that I no longer have to manage it anymore, that is the dream.

Can you do some volunteer work with your schools I.T. department. Or even some job shadowing. That’s one thing I would try. Even without pay it shows ambition. Other than that, do you got a friend that needs a network setup or Linux install? It becomes “I.T. consultant for Echelon, a student-based startup. Focused on building an ethical solution for AI in education.” You can peer review these entries and make sure it sounds believable, don’t get greedy and don’t overreach. Looks for steps maybe a little above your capability but you were heading that way anyways.

This was the late 90s and I did a lot of experimenting with flash. It didn’t take much to impress people back then. Yugop really inspired me so i did a lot of studies on interacting with the audience and it got me in the door with a prestigious ad agency and that made the rest of my career. Sometimes it’s not just about client work. What is trending now? AI related projects. You could do a study for yourself about AI and marketing, Ai and web interaction or whatever. How do you think it will work? Show your creative problem solving. Get out of the conventional thinking and do something in an unexpected way. With design they love to see your progress so I always added that material. Every place you apply gets a lot of responses, it’s hard to stand out but necessary.

What is the entry level job for and is there anything school related you could attribute yourself to. I went to college for industrial design so I could have made up some lab supervisory role that included my experience with the tools, helping other students, fixing machines, etc. anything that made me look like I had tons of ambition.

A specific example would be the time I applied for a web dev job. I knew front end and some backend but they needed a php person. I lied, said I had learned it at a previous job and could do whatever they needed. I counted on being able to research the solution but more than once I hired a php dev to do the simple fixes. 99% of the job was design related but I got that php issue solved at the beginning and there was no doubt from them what I could do after.

When I was getting started in my design career getting jobs was hard. I had a good portfolio but not much experience. Met another designer one day and told her my dimena. Her response: Just lie. She told me everyone does to get work. So I took that advice. Next job I got paid me 2x the previous one and soon enough I wasn’t lieing anymore. You think Musk got where he is today thanks to ethics and honesty? Jobs and Gates both stole either knowledge or actual products from others. I still have friends submitting resumes with large gaps, asking for help. They send it over and I embellish the hell of it, always works.

You ever eat too much at lunch and can’t possibly go back to work?

I’m gonna lie and put deceased on my resume too. They never check.

If you drink coffee after 1 you can’t sleep that night

This is “I already got my trout, screw everyone with no trout” mentality

I don’t mean to brag, but I’m in their hall of fame

It took me over a year with the CA DMV to get a title issue sorted out. So it could be either party with the delay. I called them 2x a week checking on updates, spending hours each time working up the ladder. It’s not unusual to wait abnormally long for a reg in California.

You’ve heard of A.I. but how about B.J.s? They are the future.

The video makes it so much faster and easier to understand. Plus the top comments usually have supplemental information that helps. If you didn’t use YouTube then you would still use another Google entity to find it.

Nope. Just this week YouTube helped me fix a squeaky dryer for $18. Repair guy wanted $100 to come out, estimated a $300 repair. The amount I saved there has paid for premium for a year and I use it for everything. Fixed my washer, ran 220v for my new stove, countless baking recipes, woodworking tips. It’s not like Netflix where you only get entertainment from it, there is actual good info.

Little known fact, Angelo was the real life inspiration for the “This is fine” dog.

I do it to give the people still sitting something to tut over.

Don’t tell me they moved Italy to New Jersey again?!

You add a ~ above the note

Yeah the piss on top of them is just added flavor!