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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


The base game is prettier and more stable in my few playthrough hours with the update.

I miss mods, but this was a significant improvement to the base game imho, especially base visuals, and mods will come.

Honestly the last time I launched the game in an unmodded, un-community patched state, a couple years ago to be fair, it crashed every half hour or so for me from runtime errors, so this feels like a more stable bedrock on which to build.

Just one Bethesda fan’s perspective.

Capitalists don’t care about making quality products/services.

They care about squeezing more profit out of you as time goes on.

🖕Live Service🖕

It’s not the dev’s fault, they make what they’re told to make. But the President of media enshittifier MAXHBODISCOVERYDUOPOLY has stated that is what they will continue to force feed us in lieu of content we purchase to then enjoy full stop.

The fact that making significant sacrifices in abandoning many of the decadent comforts of this period at our only habitat’s irreparable (on a human timescale) damage expense is met with ridicule shows how determined we are to wreck this place.

Imagine mass famines and frequent catastrophic weather events a couple generations from now. I’m guessing they’ll look at us being above living with our once kind, nurturing habitat with disdain and bewilderment when they’re steeped in the fruits of our lifestyles.

Im not saying going back to the dark ages, im not advocating rejecting knowledge, only the rushing around and consumerism. There’s no more reasonable room for growth, growth is killing us, and robbing us of meaning.

If we can’t live with this paradise, the idea of us spreading to hostile, unforgiving worlds within reach like Mars or Titan is a bad joke. Unlike the infinite mistakes we get to keep making here without instant death, one major mistake out there where we didn’t evolve, and poof everybody dead instantly thanks for playing space faring civilization. That isn’t a game humans can pull off. Maybe some small crew of exceptional people, but certainly not a colony of regular people.

This is what we got. So yeah, maybe spending our time whittling stuff we need and moving at the speed of horse would be better for humanity long term than racing to grow our GDP into extinction.

Whats the endgame of all this growth and “innovation” if it wasn’t killing us as it is? To have Google ad AI generated amalgums of our dead relatives transmitted directly into our brains to convince us to buy more crap?

It does, but if a catastrophic war, including one with nuclear weapons, brought us down to 2 billion from 9, those nukes wouldn’t even touch the current course of heavy industry of 9 billion that we recklessly became without a thought in the world about whether our only habitat could support it.

Because shooting wars end, even if through attrition. Industry just keeps metastizing if you let it, and pretty lies like “but we planted trees! That evens out all the shit we’re pumping in the air and water!” are just pretty lies.

If we cared about our species having a future, heavy industry would be scaled back to food/medicine, we could sow our own clothes, go back to horses, breed less, communaly build our own structures, and whittle our own shelf crap, and we could perhaps still provide a future to subsequent generations. We do not.

Our God here in the US is Mammon, even though he usually goes by other names; rational self-interest, the invisible hand, etc.

Mammon would never let genocide get in the way of glorious profit.

“But its got electrolytes earthy flavor!”

How can anyone not remember the name after hearing that earworm capybara song on social media?

“Evil McDonald’s”

Did Ronald fall into a vat of redundancy?

I think Harry Potter has been thoroughly milked. See the last attempt at a movie franchise.

I played Hogwarts Legacy, it was meh imho. I clearly won’t be playing Hogwarts Legacy II, as it will be a live service game for no good reason.

It helps that we’re still ran by geriatrics that literally have no stake in the world beyond the short term.

And American geriatrics largely despise the generations that came after them. Most not only don’t want to plant trees whose shade they will never sit in, like those in a decent society would, they want to burn the trees they sat under out of spite and vanity. This tree is theirs, and all those trees over there! Make your own trees, filthy taker future people!

This is where encouraging greed and selfishness, oh I’m sorry, “rugged individualism and rational-self-interest” as our core cultural values leads, oblivion.

We all develop our little pet road hatreds.

My cousin’s are minivans. Mine are still BMWs, so I guess I’m a basic bitch.

If I won the lottery, no one currently in my life would ever see or hear from me again.

This is the basis of capitalism.

Both parties lie to eachother, attempting to get more than the other party through manipulation and coercion with whatever leverage each party has, rejecting the pursuit of equitable mutual benefit, and when it is allowed to metastasize into every sociocultural aspect of one’s cultural mores and values, as it has here in Corpmurica, it creates a toxic, antisocial group of rugged individuals beating each other to death trying to impress the most successful practicing sociopaths who were the best at dishonest manipulation and exploitation of their fellow humans.

If you want to create a civilization at war with and constantly undermining itself at every level instead of working toward the common good of the species/planet/future, this is the global economic system for you!

But hey, it was all worth it for the free market of ideas giving us so many valuable, innovative choices! It has sesame seeds and no pickles?! No fucking way…

The consumer/employee is livestock to the owner class, to be exploited at both ends, and discarded when it is exploited to the point it can no longer produce.

The economy doesn’t care what people aka consumers want anymore. At shareholder insistence, they sabotage the future for a short term stock boost, knowing infinite growth on a finite world is over. This is terminal stage capitalism, and it’s not just gonna be Wendy’s, or in the food sector. The snake is eating its own tail as the scam runs out of room.

Capital markets were sold as seed funding to grow businesses, now they dismantle business ability to provide the product/service they existed for in the first place at any remotely decent quality. Economies are supposed to be lowly tools, existing solely to benefit and serve society, a method to more efficiently distribute goods/services within said society. The tail is wagging the dog.

They’re pre-rinsed and clean enough.

If it makes you happy though, awesome!

I swear, the people obsessed with enforcing one right way to do… everything.

It looks exhausting. I feel kind of bad for them and when they start rearranging other people’s work I always think of this sad lil raccoon for some reason:

I don’t think many people want to feel the need to boo humanity.

Our actions and history just provide precious little to cheer for.

Maybe that would be a good starting point. If we, as a species decided to end homelessness (and I’m sorry this needs to be stated, bit with homes, not mass murder) for example, that might start to earn some good will, some pride in humans caring for one another.

Until then, yeah, boos and rotten produce are an appropriate review.

“But sir! We still all need to breathe the Earth’s air!”

Then build me a climate change bunker in New Zealand with its own ventilation system! You can’t come. Line must go up!

Embracer joins TimeWarnerHBODiscoveryParamountSoonblahblahblah in confirming capitalism is in its terminal stage.

No unexploited markets in which to further to grow/metastasize, and entire economic sectors eating their own tails to be gutted of their ability to actually make the products/services their sector existed to provide in the first place for a short term stock bump celebrating cruelty.

This is a fire sale, and the capitalists know it. The worst bit is, it’s happening in every economic sector, even the life and death ones.

And the punishment? More money for their genocide. Let that be a lesson to them, don’t make us cut you another blood soaked check!

I would say history won’t be kind, but the longer I live, the more I realize humans are just intrinsically cruel and are a blight upon the Earth. Just another mistake of evolution, like the mass extinction that was caused by a build up of trees capturing too much carbon before the bacteria that could break them down had evolved. We seem to exist to make on another suffer trying to fuck one another over to “win,” while not giving shit one about the collateral damage on all the other species that live here that have nothing to do with our perpetual war on ourselves.

The longer I stare at humanity just doing what humanity does, the more I identify as a misanthrope.

Would be more true if they stabbed the hand, because after they suggest budgeting, that employee will be put on a list and be first in line to be terminated due to being incompatible with the work culture of pretending to be shiny and happy living in subsistence.

This made me laugh because the HR lady at my company made an email about such “resources” recently.

HR is corporate gestapo, anything you say can and will be used against you, but by all means share your inner demons with them.

Ever notice how anytime someone accuses Israel of something, Israel says it’s antisemitic?

Sounds like something an antisemite would say!


You’re 100% correct.

Im all for fighting if you still have some. I hope I’m wrong and I’ll be there in the streets supporting your movement and glad for it if I am.

The narrative of power is that there isn’t a problem at all/there isn’t a problem caused by the current rigged market capitalist system that said system isn’t the best candidate to solve. And it’s defended by victims of it so far into the sunk cost fallacy of it they’ll fight to defend that false narrative. That’s where we’re at.

I primaried and phone banked for Sanders twice, to nothing but ridicule from regular Americans for calling him too extreme and unrealistic. I supported Occupy Wall Street which was also met by little more than ridicule by those that should have joined.

It’s not their fault, we’ve all been propagandized from birth through the curriculum the oligarchs inform from K-Colleges of economics, and the media they own to claim “the free (unregulated, rigged) market is self-correcting and virtuous, and anyone who doesn’t thrive under it deserves their suffering.” But the fact remains, the victims of this system are also its most numerous blind defenders.

I’m not sure how reframing would change this reality. In my experience, the more informed about the situation, the more hopeless one recognizes it is. But as I said, Rome always falls in the end, and even the 3,000 billionaires on Earth can’t prevent entropy with their propaganda.

It’s a tragedy, and it’s sad to watch though.

The only person to pay for the Panama Papers and the global oligarch’s financial tax schemes they revealed was the lead journalist who broke it, and She paid with her life in a violent, sending a message to others who would cross the global oligarchs way.


We have no power unless we rebel as entire economic classes, and there’s too many self hating, true believer, “love me senpai oligarch” class traitors for that to ever happen.

That said, collapse is inevitable, entropy is absolute, and Rome always falls under the weight of its own corruption in the end. The snake of capitalism is choking on its own tail with no new room to grow/metastasize, which is the crux of their entire rigged con-game, and my only hope is that something better is made out of the ruins. Even that is a faint hope though. For every kind, empathetic person, there seems to be a sociopath opportunist that wants to manipulate and enslave them out of material selfishness.

Always remember what comes first in any national emergency. Whats the first thing our leaders always make clear when the chips are down?

"We will do everything necessary to protect our beloved nation society struggling citizens ECONOMY."

People don’t matter here, only capital. If you are attached to meaningful capital, you will want for nothing and live in embarrassing decadence that would make pharoahs blush, if you aren’t attached to meaningful capital, you are livestock for those that are. You are less than human in the eyes of the capital hoarders in charge.

Those are our American Values in practice.

Then we will fall to fascism in the near future. Maybe not this election, but soon.

You can’t get people en masse to support you on the message of “Your tangible situation will continue to be horrible, but letting those guys win will cause unimaginably worse horror” cycle after cycle and continue to get them to care, and it is understandable to for them to eventually wash their hands of it, because at the end of the day, voting associates you with this system, and it feels dirty to participate because it makes it feel like you bear responsibility for what a Faustian bargain it is every cycle.

I will keep showing up with a funeral dirge in my heart to vote for the lesser evil and attempt to hold back the bloodthirsty fascist horde yet again without hope for things actually improving, but I’m not the norm. Most sane people will eventually just walk away from it sooner or later because the reality is too unpalatable.