This is my backup lemmy profile. My main lemmy profile is

My main fediverse account is

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 06, 2022


xitter for mastodon

This was step 1 for me, and it happened at the first rumbling of Musk taking over, though I don’t use Mastodon.

traded reddit for lemmy/kbin

This was step 2. I was using reddit and lemmy side by side, though mostly ignoring reddit, until the API change came through. I deleted my reddit account then and haven’t looked back.

discord for matrix

I did this a few months ago.

youtube for peertube

I don’t really use either…

I spend more time on Lemmy, but that’s mostly because I admin an instance.

I don’t understand how you can watch tv with all of the other things you could be doing tbh.

I’m my mind, sitting in front of a device that only lets me watch things it decides on the timeframes it decides whilst blasting me with ads is one of the last things I want to do with my time.

Almost anything is better

Other than blue bubbles,

I’m the one in the group DM that turns the bubbles green,

I’m far enough removed from iPhones that I don’t know what this means :)