Pronomen: er/sein (he/his)
Linux Gamer, Hobbyprogrammierer, Hardwarebastler. Betreibe einige private Dienste auf einem Low Budget Server. Facebookverweigerer und Fan dezentraler Systeme.
Maybe @Hector Martin knows
Neverwinter Nights
Unreal Tournament 99/2004
Metro Last Light/Redux/Exodus
BioShock: Infinite
Serious Sam 3: BFE / Fusion 2017
/me runs Debian on his gaming laptop
@Ulu-Mulu-no-die Just for the sake of completeness, AMD runs smooth even on laptops thanks to open source drivers but nowadays I’d also rather recommend getting a steam deck. My ASUS GL702ZC is more or less becoming a dust catcher since I have one.
@sugar_in_your_tea @Privatepower42 I’ve got some tar.xz compressed archives with win32 or win64 Steam games and Proton on my NAS. Sometimes one needs to replace the steam_api.dll
or steam_api64.dll
with a fake dll if the game relies upon it but it works most of the time. I’m downloading them with steamcmd