Violence and diseases. In consequence many sex workers get hurt regularly during their job, some get killed and many have PTSD and/or abuse drugs and alcohol.
In countries were sex work is legal this does not get significantly better, btw. I live in Germany where sex work is legal since 1950 or something and it’s a job you even have to pay tax for. They still suffer from violence. There was a protest this year to give better protection from violence.
Violence and diseases. In consequence many sex workers get hurt regularly during their job, some get killed and many have PTSD and/or abuse drugs and alcohol.
In countries were sex work is legal this does not get significantly better, btw. I live in Germany where sex work is legal since 1950 or something and it’s a job you even have to pay tax for. They still suffer from violence. There was a protest this year to give better protection from violence.
So specifically prostitution is dangerous, not sex work in general