The main benefit of credit cards is they are credit. So if there is an issue you can hash it out before you actually pay for it as oppose to asking they send the money back.
The main appeal of credit cards is that their safety system has been so weak for so long, they had to develop amazing support systems just so people would use their horribly bad payment method.
The support systems still remain, so if I don’t get my package, that’s somehow the credit card company’s problem now.
The main benefit of credit cards is they are credit. So if there is an issue you can hash it out before you actually pay for it as oppose to asking they send the money back.
The main appeal of credit cards is that their safety system has been so weak for so long, they had to develop amazing support systems just so people would use their horribly bad payment method.
The support systems still remain, so if I don’t get my package, that’s somehow the credit card company’s problem now.