I absolutely love this: “The Miami Herald published an article in 1981 about an 89-year-old man named Sammy James. James had worked for decades as a crate nailer and said his fast moves earned him the nickname, “The Nailer.””
His job title was a crate nailer, but he got the nickname from his fast moves. That’s like being so good at operating the cash register you earn the nickname “The Cashier”
In case anyone is interested in the sauces https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nobody-wants-to-work-anymore/
True hero right here
Was just about to go diving for them, thank you!
I absolutely love this: “The Miami Herald published an article in 1981 about an 89-year-old man named Sammy James. James had worked for decades as a crate nailer and said his fast moves earned him the nickname, “The Nailer.””
His job title was a crate nailer, but he got the nickname from his fast moves. That’s like being so good at operating the cash register you earn the nickname “The Cashier”