AAA games are just getting stale for me and I’m looking to mix it up a bit. I really don’t have a specific genre I gravitate toward or steer away from. I like trying new stuff and I’m happy to consider anything you enjoy playing!
AAA games are just getting stale for me and I’m looking to mix it up a bit. I really don’t have a specific genre I gravitate toward or steer away from. I like trying new stuff and I’m happy to consider anything you enjoy playing!
I usually play multiplayer games more, unspottable, wilmot’s warehouse, and moving out are pretty fun!
Single player, the last one I played was my friend Pedro which was also pretty good!
Unspottable looks like it’d be a blast to play with my kids. Might just give me the motivation I needed to send my four joycon controllers off to Nintendo to have the drift issue corrected. 😂
Thanks for the recommendations!
Edit: spelling