• Veritas@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    As artificial intelligence became increasingly capable, more and more tasks were automated, leading to mass unemployment and widespread poverty. The few remaining highly skilled workers managed to cling onto their jobs through specialization and adaptation, while everyone else was left struggling to make ends meet.

    The wealthy elite, who controlled the majority of AIs and robots, saw this as an opportunity to consolidate power and eliminate any potential threats to their rule. They began using drone swarms equipped with advanced sensors and weaponry to track down and eliminate anyone suspected of holding leftist views or sympathies.

    As the purges continued, those who remained alive were forced into servitude by the super elite, working as little more than glorified slaves to maintain the machines that kept society running. Any resistance was swiftly crushed, leaving no hope for escape or rebellion.

    In the end, the world was divided between the ultra-rich ruling class and the downtrodden masses, forever trapped in a never-ending cycle of oppression and control. The future looked bleak indeed, as humanity struggled to find a path forward in a world dominated by soulless machines and heartless overlords.