It’s hard to find people who do. There isn’t a meditation community here so I made one ( ! )

Meditation is pretty great.

    6 months ago

    The moment I start to think about meditating, my mind explodes with alternative ideas until I forget. In fact it’s so efficient at not meditating, that even though I have time and space set aside for it daily on my calendar, some subprocess in my brain still often subverts the whole thing. It’s a scary place before I get there.

    But I have never once completed a meditation that I regretted. Even the meditations that are difficult to get through - usually because my mind is really jumpy - still feel like a nice piece of self care at the end.

    I think the more routine the practice, the easier it is to start and better your mind becomes at focusing on your breath without allowing all the various stressors of the moment take control. And that is a powerful muscle to build up.

      6 months ago

      I was once told that it isn’t about making your mind blank, it’s about acknowledging the thought that rolls into your mind, and then letting it go. The idea being to train yourself to let trains of thought go. When I’m being a huge dick to myself with my inner monologue I can sometimes remember “oh yeah! I can just not think about this” and then I’ll let my mind go elsewhere.