• banneryear1868@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I finally got a preliminary diagnosis days ago from my family doctor after learning about inattentive 2 years ago and thinking “oh jeez that me,” but for life have joked that I probably have some kind of adhd, and had a career and lifestyle that accommodated it reasonably well. What changed was progressing in my career and the responsibilities of daily life, and my many many tricks not being as effective. I was always able to skirt by and being a “smart kid” caused it to go unnoticed and allowed me to just barely exert enough effort to succeed.

    When I finally decided to book an appointment to get the ball rolling, I got one within 2 days, and had a month of lisdexamphetamine 30mg to try within an hour after the appointment, and a followup booked with a task to keep a journal of noticable changes. Amphetamines are basically the only class of drug I’ve never tried recreationally or been prescribed. I knowingly took the first one later in the day than I should have cause I couldn’t wait to try it, but after feeling the effects for the first time during the day in to the evening I didn’t even mind that I couldn’t sleep. The feeling is like a blanket of calm energy and I’ve been amazed at how immediate it was and what I’ve already been able to do just by the 3rd day taking it. Some of this could be me expecting it to do these things and will see how the whole month goes but it’s already such a difference.