SOLVED: it’s Antitrust! Thanks everyone!
It’s a tech related movie came out probably early 2000s.
Bits I remember:
- A group of home brew coders watches a webinar of some large software company.
- One of them gets hired by the company to work on a large project
- The project is supposed to enable content delivery/streaming while overcoming bandwidth constraints, but they’re stuck in development
- Main character is working on the project and is making headway but discovers something nefarious might be going on in the company
- He checks around the place and realises a large mouse sculpture in the company campus playground is actually a hidden satellite
- Using a computer in the children’s daycare room he uncovers the conspiracy
- He manages to finish off the project, and the company thinks everything is fine
- The tech company tests the system and it works perfectly broadcasting everywhere.
- But the guy uses this test to present a montage of all the evidence of the conspiracy. Also uploads the project source code
- Company CEO gets arrested or something, everyone lives happily ever after.
That is definitely “Antitrust” with Tim Robbins and Ryan Phillippe.