Edit : Thanks for upvotes👍🏻 Edit2 : Alot of people asked me for the meaning of my name but I won’t tell you it is a secret🙃 Edit3 : What is wrong with you? Why are you asking for my onlyfans?

  • Elkaki123@vlemmy.net
    1 year ago

    “Without evidence” bruh he has described using the loverboy method himself, consistently for years.

    And even if you were to say he is lying (which would be a weird thing yo lie about) you do have 2 rape allegations back in the UK plus allegations in Rumania, if you go and ignore it all saying there is 0 evidence that is on you…

    You might say there is no definitive evidence yet, but that is just because he hasn’t gone through trial, which says nothing about culpability