I’m hoping it’s just something stupid.
I’ve been playing around with rtl_433 for a while, and started making decoders for various bits of kit I have. When I run things on a laptop, with the same dongle, I pick things up no problem.
Yesterday, I tried to start integrating it with HASS. I installed this 433 wrapper, and Mosquitto Broker.
The 433 wrapper seems to work, and devices are decoded in the log when I use a generic config. But when I use one that pushes to MQTT, nothing shows up in the 433 logs other than the connection to MQTT, and nothing seems to be logged on the MQTT.
I vaguely remember reading that the simple Mosquitto broker only had a limited set of devices supported, but I can’t seem to find where I read that now :|
I don’t have any RTL433 in mysetup anymore, but from my notes, when I had my doorbell integrated into HA, I was using this HASSIO addon…