I’m curious, does anybody else sit down in the shower. (That’s right not a typo. Sitters, not shitters)
This started for me when I was younger, usually when I was nursing a gnarly hangover. The warm water beating down on me was a solace and sitting just made it feel all the more comforting. Though I’m sure it’s not the most hygienic.
Over the years, it’s evolved into a ritual, now my preferred way to unwind and relax. So much so, I’m building a concrete bench seat in the shower, with a custom shower head above it, as part of our bathroom renovations. (Similar to the pic)
I’m curious if anyone else has a similar routine. Do you find it therapeutic too? Any particular reason why you started?
There are dozens of us!
Damn it, scrolled down and saw someone beat me to this. Deleting. Which is a weird thing to jabs to explain. But things don’t get deleted here in a normal way.
Why can’t you both say it?