Image: A person writing on a large chalkboard the size of a large wall covered with mathematical formulas and notes. The caption reads, “My autistic mind trying to figure out if she’s into me, she is indifferent or she absolutely hates me.”

Ok, but seriously…I can’t tell when girls are flirting with me. And sometimes, girls act like I’m flirting with them when I am not in any way whatsoever. What is the process NTs use to add meaning to social interactions?! Maybe we can figure this out logically.

    8 months ago

    This dilemma is why flirting is so complicated. Basically two people are trying to slowly build confidence that they like each other, while maintaining total deniability about it. I know this sounds challenging, but it’s much harder in practice.

    For this reason, Azzu’s suggestions are absolutely correct.

    Expanding on “be graceful when rejected” – make sure you are prepared for a “no” answer. One small help here is an alternative activity planned for yourself, so that you have something to look forward to either way.