Something something, paper tiger, Mao was right.

    2 years ago

    I think the real reason Russia invaded was because they could not tolerate Ukraine joining NATO. The US wouldn’t do anything different if this had happened in Canada during the cold war. Hell, they invaded Cuba for this. I’m sympathetic to Russia on this one because I do NOT want a unipolar world.

    A Jewish leader does not mean that Ukraine is not dangerously far right wing. It’s like saying racism is defeated in the US because it had a black president. As for bombing Ukraine? Look up Ukraine’s cluster bomb usage in 2014-2022. When your soldiers are using weapons that are banned in most of the world on your own citizens, and your soldiers are wearing skulls on their uniforms, you surely have to ask if you’re the baddies?

    Basically, I think NATO didn’t leave Russia much choice. And I don’t support fascist nations anyway. Sorry, no links this time. At the airport.