The key to making Lemmy work in my opinion is being a real community. That means having everyone help out in any way they can and working together. Memmy alone can never fill all the gaps, nor can anything else. A wide selection of options is key to getting more people on board.
Already we are seeing varying designs and implementations, and that is great since users definitely don’t want to be locked in to a single option. Glad to see it.
@EmpathicVagrant@gkd remember when the iPhone first came out, and the BlackBerry fan boys where complaining there were no third-party apps, and Apple said that if you have a good web browser you don’t need additional apps? Petridge farm remembers.
the json coming back from requests like showing a thread was not compressed when I checked yesterday (firefox on ubuntu):
but I just checked again and now it’s correctly responding with compression (chrome on windows)
Ohh you’re referring to wefwef. I’m not the wefwef dev, I’m the memmy dev. Thought you were talking about API calls memmy makes.
The fact that you’re not just actively engaging here, but advocating another route, makes me want memmy on apple.
Memmy is on apple. Want no longer.
The key to making Lemmy work in my opinion is being a real community. That means having everyone help out in any way they can and working together. Memmy alone can never fill all the gaps, nor can anything else. A wide selection of options is key to getting more people on board.
Already we are seeing varying designs and implementations, and that is great since users definitely don’t want to be locked in to a single option. Glad to see it.
@EmpathicVagrant @gkd remember when the iPhone first came out, and the BlackBerry fan boys where complaining there were no third-party apps, and Apple said that if you have a good web browser you don’t need additional apps? Petridge farm remembers.
oh shit sorry, apparently I can’t read worth a damn