Can humanity overcome calamity to resist fate once again?Fight to survive in a future of despair.Title: Earth Defense Force 6Genre: 3D Action ShooterConsole:...
This game series is weird as fuck. But also insane with what you can do in them. Like, on the surface they seem like stupid, goofy little arcade shooters. But they have stupid levels of depth in the mechanics and character classes.
If SsethTzeentach hadn’t made a video on it, EDF wouldn’t even be on my radar because it definitely looks like something you could easily forget on the surface.
This game series is weird as fuck. But also insane with what you can do in them. Like, on the surface they seem like stupid, goofy little arcade shooters. But they have stupid levels of depth in the mechanics and character classes.
If SsethTzeentach hadn’t made a video on it, EDF wouldn’t even be on my radar because it definitely looks like something you could easily forget on the surface.