Twitch Updated their Sexual Content Policy:
- Changes: Certain content now allowed with labels
- Artistic Nudity: Permitted under Sexual Themes Label
- Game Nudity: Contextual; labels necessary
- Body Painting: Acceptable with appropriate label
- Mature Games: Label generally covers content
- Stream Visibility: Impacted by content labels
Twerking, grinding and pole dancing are now allowed without a label.
You might as well tell people they are not good parents if they allow their children the moral ambiguity of playing cowboys and indians and watching pirate of the Caribbeans with that sort of level of logic. Sometimes the biggest caricatures are those accusing other people of being it. Sorry for offending your sensibilities for thinking there should be enough distinction as to keep children away from prostitution. Is clicking on a different url for the same thing really that hard for you?
If you think this is protistution your comment sure might make sense. Have fun.
Thank fucking god the rest of the world isn’t as deluded as the people in this thread:
It’s funny how much your interests align with those of pedos, just because you can’t click on another f-ing link for content and stream hosts that already exist for porn.
Not sure why you bring that topic. People injecting this topic everywere unbidden are a little bit concerning to me and should do some soul searching.
You, meanwhile, will be forever completely immune to it, it seems. Thank fucking christ there were people with fucking brains and who are actually virtuous instead of just virtue signalling to get the decision pulled back.