2023.12: A beautiful new login page, new design for the thermostat card, numeric input feature for tile cards, options for the default dashboard, history dashboard showing long-term statistics, and...
It might be worth keeping purge_keep_days configured to less than the default 10 days to keep the database size small and speed up backups etc, especially in setups running on low power hosts like a Pi and with large amounts of sensors.
HA is configured to log everything into MariaDB (which does not get backed up) so my backups are only 84MB including most add-ons. I use the “Home Assistant Google Drive Backup” add-on and tell it what to back up and what to ignore.
It might be worth keeping purge_keep_days configured to less than the default 10 days to keep the database size small and speed up backups etc, especially in setups running on low power hosts like a Pi and with large amounts of sensors.
HA is configured to log everything into MariaDB (which does not get backed up) so my backups are only 84MB including most add-ons. I use the “Home Assistant Google Drive Backup” add-on and tell it what to back up and what to ignore.