I almost always read in the news/press that dentists recommend to brush teeth two times a day for 2-3 minutes.
This drives me crazy, because it does not make sense; The point for dental health is to systematical clean every surface of your teeth twice a day (and use inter-dental brushes/floss once a day). For me, brushing my teeth takes around 6 minutes, if I hurry up. For someone faster it might be possible in 1 minute.
So, why do dentists always give the 2-3 minutes recommendation?
Went to DDG, searched ”flossing efficacy studies !g” (indirectly just a typical google search)
I’m not sure you really looked very hard?
Wait, so the summary states clearly, that a.) flossing is effective b.) mouth rinsing is more effective?!? It seems to good to be true, why does not every producer of mouth rinsing make advertisement with this? I also always ask my dentists about tips for dental hygiene, and none every recommend mouth rinsing. (Germany)
Some of the newer rinses keep plaque at bay for quite awhile. It’s incredibly obvious when I happen to run out before buying a new bottle.
I guess I’m still just scratching my head over why you thought there were no studies?