Hi, my evaporative humidifier just broke and it is time for a new one. What I am looking for
- no cloud/account needed, just local, zigbee, zwave, wifi you name it
- easy integration with hass
- easy to clean
- low maintenance fees (filters and stuff)
- big rooms 50sqm+ so that it has enough “ooompf” Any ideas highly appreciated
I went through a lot of humidifiers for this exact issue until I landed on this guy. https://a.co/d/d9KsgV5
It’s not perfect, but it fit nearly all of my needs (which you listed above). It uses Tyua, so it’s not local UNLESS you set it up with LocalTyua like I did. The only major downside is, it beeps every time you have it do something via home assistant. If you’re crafty, you could probably remove the speaker, but I haven’t bothered (yet).
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Correct, the water gets vibrated into mist and I like evaporation that will also kick up any minerals in the water. You can filter it but that typically doesn’t solve it completely.