For me it was “buy high quality pillow” because you sleep for one thrid of a day etc. I needed a new pillow anyway so I came to the store and bought the best they had. And it was … ok. Like it’s a fine pillow but my sleeping haven’t improved really, it’s basically the same. So I was disapointed :(
So, which life pro tip disappointed you?
Maybe I’m crazy or there’s a cultural difference somewhere here, but if you needed to wear long sleeves then it’s the texture of the material, but surely you’d have a bedsheet over the mattress and not be able to feel it directly?
The pillows that they made from the same material were in pillow cases and you could still feel it through them pretty easily. I doubt a sheet would help for the mattress. A mattress pad might be enough to cover the gross texture, but at that point you would have wasted money buying a gross feeling mattress when you could have bought one that didn’t need a mattress pad to feel like a bed.