My government reps aren’t the ones in charge so there’s not much they can do beyond suggest changes they said. My municipal reps said they doesn’t have the majority so there’s not much they can do beyond suggest changes. I went to the inaugural meeting for the local council last month and the first order of the day was if the local, non-career politicians should get a raise in their non-taxable salary.
I’ve just given up and only wish to be left alone until I die or the world ends, whatever comes first.
Speak up, call your government reps. Your apathy is what they are counting on to avoid change
My government reps aren’t the ones in charge so there’s not much they can do beyond suggest changes they said. My municipal reps said they doesn’t have the majority so there’s not much they can do beyond suggest changes. I went to the inaugural meeting for the local council last month and the first order of the day was if the local, non-career politicians should get a raise in their non-taxable salary.
I’ve just given up and only wish to be left alone until I die or the world ends, whatever comes first.
Have you properly considered joining a radical militia?
No, I plan on going into politics to really fuck shit up.
Waaaah waaaah guns are for meanies waaaah
I’m more of a fan of guillotines personality More flare
Citizens United baby, we were removed from the equation.
Implying they’d give a damn anyway.
If enough people speak up, they’ll have to.
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My reps suck lol