Yeah 12ft doenst seem to work on any sites anymore. Does anyone have any alternatives that work? I’m already familiar with the airplane mode trick but that’s not always fit for purpose.
Yeah 12ft doenst seem to work on any sites anymore. Does anyone have any alternatives that work? I’m already familiar with the airplane mode trick but that’s not always fit for purpose.
The archive sites work great, even for WSJ articles. I just checked after I saw your comment saying doesn’t work for WSJ articles, and it works fine for archiving WSJ articles.
It’s cuts off the particular article I want to read, so seems like there is a word limit! Drat!
Have you tried a different browser but still using the archive pages?
Which article? That is interesting, I haven’t had that issue yet, but I just started using these archived pages a couple weeks ago so I’m curious about their limits
Usually, if a web page shows the text fading, there’s only a little text that’s actually loaded (and if you disable the fade effect, you won’t see much more).
That’s not a hard rule, but I did notice in my tests that the Wall Street Journal is particularly picky here. Including with that Bypass Paywall extension.
Okay, thanks. I tested a bunch of articles in duckduckgo and haven’t come across that yet, but I’ll test a cross browsers and see what happens. I’ll pay attention to the fading text.