So I have noticed from reading through posts and my own research that there isn’t much information on how mental health and psychology would be taken care of and implemented. I could very well be wrong and would appreciate anyone’s pointing me to an initial resource in order to understand more. And if it hasn’t been confronted as a problem, I would like to ruminate with others on what those possibilities could look like. We can’t eschew mental health.
It’s been documented that mental health is a serious issue in the anarchist community - Anxious? Depressed? You might be suffering from capitalism. Ideas developed among anarchists focusing on class struggle may have application to the general solarpunk community as well.
Disclaimer, I only read both of these diagonally.
The first, while focusing on a capitalism lens, isn’t a unique problem. It’s an alienation effect possible in any community. Reducing barriers to migration and employment can reduce it on a macro scale. On the micro scale it’s just the human condition.
The second, while certainly packaged toward a specific audience, does not differ from conventional thinking or guidance on mental health.
Would anarchists even cease to exist in solarpunk? It should just be a change of focus from a capitalist status quo to a solarpunk status quo. This distention is healthy for any society.