Meme transcription: Anakin & Padme
[Panel 1] Anakin tries selects “Update and shut down” from the Windows start menu.
[Panel 2] Padme, labeled as “Windows”, cheerily says: ”You mean ‘Update and restart’, right?”
[Panel 3] Anakin takes an annoyed look.
[Panel 4] Padme, still cheery, says “I’ll just ‘Update and Restart’.”
The company’s software can’t just do stuff I (as bullshit as it is) don’t want it to, break my system and/or overwrite data on partitions and drives I did not give it explicit or implicit permission to read, access, or modify, and then tell me my use case is unsupported and so I just have to deal with it.
I’m not OP and I don’t even dual boot, but it’s my computer, not Microsoft’s. If I want to dual boot, and Windows breaks that despite me not making any changes to Windows, then yes the company deserves to have shit placed at their feet. Linux doesn’t overwrite any Windows data when it updates unless you tell it to, so why have tons of people (including multiple friends) had Windows overwrite their Linux data on updates?