Following up on some comments in the recent meta thread, I decided to be the change I want to see in the world and create a place to talk about anime that aren’t actively airing.
I plan on making these posts regularly going forward on Mondays as they normally suck for most people that work M-F, so why not try to make them a little bit better? Also, in the process of making this post, I found out that there is an ISO standard that says weeks start on Monday rather than Sunday. TIL!
Just a reminder to tag your spoilers.
Am I Actually the Strongest is basically Eminence in Shadow without the carefully-staged “epic” visual shots or any awareness of just how silly the concept is, in my not-so-humble opinion.
Haha, it’s like you read my mind. To pull off a parody, you need to push everything to 11 and this show just really didn’t go far enough in a shameless enough way to pull it off (if it was even meant to be a parody, I still can’t tell).