Hey everyone. I made a casual survey to see if people can tell the difference between human-made and AI generated art. Any responses would be appreciated, I’m curious to see how accurately people can tell the difference (especially those familiar with AI image generation)
That artist also forgot reins. And the front wheels of the carriage are goofy. And the city is a bunch of squiggles. And there’s a bizarre oversaturated smear of farmland in the distance. It’s the sort of human drawing that makes people go ‘did AI draw this?’ because a year ago they would’ve just said ‘this kinda sucks.’
The psychedelic waterfall one has the opposite problem, where the tree at left immediately had me go ‘that’s a robot,’ but it is also how humans draw when they’ve done quite a lot of drugs. Anywhere besides a landscape it would be inexcusable. But there’s every reason you might want to draw a tree, that way. An anime character eating ramen - not so much.