Original Raptor Call Of The Shadows version 1.2 DOS source code - GitHub - skynettx/dosraptor: Original Raptor Call Of The Shadows version 1.2 DOS source code
Things I remember from this game: you fight scumbag inc. on behalf of douchebag inc., inter-stage shopping and wishing you could afford the twin blue lasers, 1-1 stage theme
Great soundtrack, picking up the missile powerup in the first level, exiting the level to sell it, repeating until you could afford the twin blue lasers.
Things I remember from this game: you fight scumbag inc. on behalf of douchebag inc., inter-stage shopping and wishing you could afford the twin blue lasers, 1-1 stage theme
Great soundtrack, picking up the missile powerup in the first level, exiting the level to sell it, repeating until you could afford the twin blue lasers.