- You can choose up to 10 software projects.
- Each project receives 10 years of development time as if all the programmers worked continuously for that duration, following their current working methods.
- After choosing these 10 (or less) projects, everything else remains unchanged in the world, as if time has been frozen for 10 years.
Which projects do you choose?
If I’m thinking about projects that could benefit the most from an exponential increase in active developers:
The rest goes to package managers and other lower-level projects that don’t get enough of a spotlight, maybe Brew or Curl or something.
API parity for Firefox meaning, implement Chrome’s proprietary crap, or are they actually lagging on web standards? Last time I checked was admittedly a while ago but I thought ff was the leader for standards compliance.
There are some useful APIs that Firefox is missing compared to Chromium, like Web Share or Web Bluetooth: https://caniuse.com/?compare=chrome+117,firefox+117&compareCats=CSS,HTML5,JS,JS API
ReactOS is one I haven’t heard about in quite a few years. That one would be really cool to see get a lot more dev time.